As a documentary photographer, Skander Khlif can call upon a wealth of different cultures. Born in 1983, he grew up in Tunis and learned about the art of photography during a school project. This experience made him aware of the power of photography as communication medium. However, he didn’t follow this path immediately, and waited to finish his engineering studies before turning to it once again. Today based in Munich, He is documenting life on public spaces by telling stories while retaining a note of mystery.
Published and exhibited on several occasions, he was also the recipient of the Photomed Awards and winner of the Italian street photography festival.
Né à Tunis en 1983, Skander Khlif a grandi sur les rives de la méditerranée. En 2003 il part en Allemagne pour suivre des études d’ingénieur et il y reste jusqu'à aujourd’hui. Epris de la photographie, il s’y converti progressivement pour en faire son métier. C’est un passionné de la vie, la vrai. Il tant a rapporté un visuel fidele des moments insolites qui se présentent a lui ou du sujet qu’il traite en le structurant d’une manière presque impulsive. A l’affut des regards, il joue des formes et des lumières et s’enthousiasme des émotions qu’il pourrait illustrées à travers ces photos. Des émotions qui le touchent lui en premier et qu’il tente de communiquer souvent sous une forme simple en composant avec les éléments de l’environnement existant. Sans doute inspiré de la photo de rue, son procédé pourrait s’inscrire dans différents genres aussi bien la photo d’art, de rue ou encore la photo documentaire.
Solo Exhibitions:
2019 Galerie Blumberg, Potsdam,
2018 ISO 001 La boite, Tunis
2018 ISO 001 IHEC Kapelle, Tunis
2022 Mediterraneo, Trier,
Group Exhibitions:
2010 University of Erlangen-Nürnberg pictures of the year.
2017 Festival de la photographie méditeranéenne – Sanary sur seine, Marseille.
2017 Miami History Museum during Art Basel.
2018 Italy street photography Milan April
2018 Algehro Photography Festival.
2018 Street sans Friontiere, Paris.
2019 Kalkota International Photography Festival
2020 Behind Peter Lindberg, 70 Years Porsche, Porsche auf Sylt
2022 Italian street photography Festival, Rom
2022 Downfalls- From Dystopia to Disruption, Kunsthall Trier
2022 Beirut Photography Festival
Winner “Photomed Awards 2017“
Finalist “Miami Street Photography Festival 2017“
Finalist “Hipa 2017“
Finalist Italian Street Photography festival 2018
Finalist Alghero Photography Festival 2018
Porsche Talent 2018
Finalist CAP Prize 2020
Winner Italian Street Photography Festival 2022
Magazines Publications:
Lufthansa Magazine
Prestige Magazine
GQ Magazine
Porsche Magazine
Sky Arte
Lagazelle Magazine
Road & Tracks
Wall Street Journal
Noema Mag
westreet 2016 (collective book)
La boite, Un lieu d’art contemporain, 2018 (collective book)
HIPA 2018